James Caldwell
Co-Proprietor | Ringmaster of the Sh*t Show
While the title is entirely accurate, we often just call him the ‘booze boss’ for short. The original vision for this crazy venture was firmly his, and he’s been the driving force behind each element of the distillery’s creation ever since. On an average day, you’ll find him shepherding a stripping run in the stills, transporting spirit totes around the farm with our 1962 Massey- Ferguson tractor, and likely ending the day in a snuggle session with Valentine the cow. Yes, you read that right.

Kristi Caldwell
Co-Proprietor | Micromanager of the Universe
Meet James’ far superior half, Kristi. Her primary activity is attempting to control all that can’t be controlled. (Which in our little world, is well, pretty much everything.) When she’s not busy with that, she’s nurturing the brand, and stickhandling all of the super fun regulatory and compliance reporting that comes along with alcohol production. If you’re having trouble sleeping at night, she highly recommends picking up a copy of the Manufacturer’s License handbook.